To progress the project from the Vision and Proposal, we are looking to form a small management team with an enthusiastic interest in seeing The Floating Stage become a reality. It is envisaged that this team will oversee the volunteering activity, and establishment of the project, potentially becoming paid members when the project is adequately funded,
The team will initially consider many of the early matters to be addressed, and start to build sub-groups to look at and report back on the more detailed individual aspects they are working on.
Such items may be progressing towards a charitable status or SCIO, more detailed stage design and costings, fundraising and sponsorship, social media and publicity, membership and supporters, and many more topics that need considered.
How to Get Involved section lists some of the structure envisaged as we progress, but if you would like to help and advise in these early stages, please do get in touch either through the
Contact Us page, or direct by email to ...
info.thefloatingstage@gmail.comor (m) 07847 611398You will be made most welcome.